Sunday, November 8, 2009

Feeling in the mood?

This post is the one I had in mind when I decided to create Recently Used. I watch a lot of movies, probably too many, but there are surprisingly few I watch more than once or twice. Usually because they're intrinsically linked in my head to a given emotion or state of mind. Here are 10 of my favourites:

- You've Got Mail: Whenever I'm sick I want to watch this movie. Meg Ryan just pulls off cute 'n' sniffly so well in that scene near the end it makes me feel like some dashing man will come and visit ME with a bouquet of daisies. The perfect swine flu movie.

- Things We Lost In The Fire: For when you want a really proper cry, the kind where big fat tear drops stream down your face and you look like you've been in a fight afterwards. Not pretty, but oh so cathartic.

- Nick And Norah's Infinite Playlist: Good for belly laughs and Indie music. Guaranteed pick-me-up.

- Before Sunrise/Before Sunset: For when you're
in the mood for romance and beautiful European cities (and you've got 4hrs to spare)There's something slightly voyeuristic about the real-time shooting that gets you all wrapped up in the dialogue and it's a good 'un for restoring your faith in humanity.

- Heathers: This is good when you're feeling teenage and want a bit of love, a bit of hate, a bit of murder, a bit of suicide, a lot of bitchiness and of course some Christian Slater. Nicely 80s without being too John Hughes about it (not that I don't love a bit of The Breakfast Club when I want feel-good-factor), it's like a cooler, weirder Mean Girls-what's not to love?

- Dan In Real Life: This movie makes me feel cosy. Of course I've never actually HAD the type of family get together they have in this movie but somehow I still manage to feel nostalgic for them from time to time. Pancake breakfasts, romps out in the country air, big games of Hide 'n' Seek and of course some romantic intrigue to keep things interesting. Delicious.

- Into The Wild: Last week I was lonely and discovered this film is the greatest possible antidote to loneliness (aside from, you know, finding some people to hang out with). So if you ever find yourself in Naas with no friends, no credit, no internet and tears in your eyes... watch a guy give away his life savings and live by him self in Alaska for a winter. At least you're less alone than him.

- Breakfast At Tiffany's: Needs no introduction. It's hard to think of a mood NOT to watch this in. Except maybe restless, cause once you start you have to see it through.

- Juno: Continuing on the theme of movies I watch whatever the weather... Most especially, though, this is for those days when merely wearing plaid and cons isn't enough to satisfy the alt kid in you.

- The Descent: For when you want to scream. I'm not sure I have a favourite scary movie, but if I had to pick one this would definitely be a contender. It's the one to watch on Girls' Night In. Grab a pillow and a friend and prepare to freak out.

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